Funeral Services

Vase of red roses

Bereavement support

There are many whose first contact with the Church is through the sad loss of a relative or friend. We try to support those who are bereaved, not only through the service, but also by visiting and listening to those who are bereaved as they try to come to terms with their loss. Please contact the Vicar if you want to know more.


Please note that no remains can be interred in our graveyard without the permission of the Vicar or the Churchwardens in his absence. Also, cremated remains have to be buried in our Garden of Remembrance or interred in a grave – they must not be scattered.

Monuments and memorials

Although the responsibility for maintaining their grave lies with the relatives, nothing can be added, altered, improved, updated, renewed or removed unless the Vicar’s WRITTEN permission has been obtained. A legally binding form is available for this from the Vicar or from the local Monumental Masons. Sometimes the Diocesan Chancellor’s approval has to be sought.

In most cases, Statutory funeral and churchyard fees are payable and details can be obtained from the Vicar or from the Funeral Director.