Infant baptism

We are always delighted to have enquiries about having children and grown-ups baptised. (There is no difference between a Baptism and a Christening – they are both the same thing.)
We try to have our Baptisms in the main worship at 9:30 am so your child can be welcomed into the family of the church.
Adult baptism
It is perfectly normal for a teenager or an adult to want to be Baptised – why not talk to the Vicar about Baptism. It’s never too late. Or you may have been baptized but never got round to being confirmed. We would be delighted to answer your queries.
How much does baptism cost?
Nothing – like God’s friendship, it’s free. Please contact our vicar if you would like to discuss further.
The duties of Godparents
Anybody can be a Godparent so long as they have been Baptised and are mature enough to act as a godparent – they should ideally also be Confirmed.
Godparents are people chosen by you, the parents, to pray for your child and set them a good example of Christian living. They can be relatives or friends, but they must be willing to make the declarations set out in the Baptism service.