As we all try to learn how to live with the Corona virus as safely as we can our Church continues to be open for worship and we are tentatively planning the next steps.
We collectively offer our grateful thanks to our brilliant scientists who have again offered us new hope of treatment to help to combat this dreadful Covid infection. We are seeing new green shoots of activity springing ever hopeful of a wonderful Christmas. How fitting that we should be looking forward to a fuller healthy life on the day that Jesus was born. We look forward to celebrating this wonderful event and anticipate welcoming you to our Events, Services of Worship and thanksgiving over the Christmas period.
Currently, we are able to enjoy the beautiful autumn colourful months before all their leaves fall and we move into the winter months. Below Sheila has shared her view from her house – what a beautiful sight!
Here below is David Frain with the ladders to replace a broken lamp bulb. We are so very grateful to David for carrying out this essential maintenance, especially during the Covid pandemic. As with all buildings, things wear out or get broken and require replacement and we are lucky enough to have David to help to keep our building safe and in good repair.

We would welcome a few more volunteers to help out at times; so….. if you are ‘handy’ or have particular skills in building maintenance please step forward and join our team!
FREEDOM – Dorothy enjoying the music at the first Re-engage tea-party for 18 months. The older guests of Re-engage are so happy to be together again and will continue to meet monthly unless the situation changes. For further information please speak to Lynn or Susan-

If you would really like to come to church & you have mobility difficulties, please contact Lynn on 07910 204 716 & we’d be please to organise door to door transport. (at no cost)
Bircle Church costs approximately £27,000 per year to stay open. This amounts to approximately £3 per hour. Please could you give us an hour?