(Formerly know as Contact the elderly)
Loneliness is often the reality for older people as social circles diminish – Re-engage is an organisation committed to addressing this problem. They do this by organising monthly tea parties in the community for people over the age of 70, who live alone, have little or no contact with relatives, and maybe struggle to leave home
The tea-parties are lots of fun and eagerly looked forward to each month. The older people have an opportunity to make new friends, chat and drink lots and lots of tea!
Unfortunately though the tea-parties are on hold at the moment but will start again as soon as it’s safe to do so. In the meantime to keep in touch with the older people in the group, volunteer drivers deliver each month a “takeaway afternoon tea” and will continue to do so until the group can meet together again.
The Bircle Church group of Re-engage would welcome new volunteer drivers or host families. Or if you know of an older person who would be interested in joining the group please get in touch.
Susan or Lynn on 079 1020 4716/ sue.lynnwhitehead@yahoo.co.uk.